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Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Feeding your child – Tips and Techniques for Parents - Video
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A video for a New Parent
By Sarah Rosenfeld- Johnson,
A Speech Language Pathologist with more than 35 years of experianxce,a Feeding Specialist, an Educator, a founder of Innovative Therapists International/TalkTools
A Speech Language Pathologist with more than 35 years of experianxce,a Feeding Specialist, an Educator, a founder of Innovative Therapists International/TalkTools
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
90 and more Speech Therapy Tests with Descriptions.
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My Dear Speech Language Pathologist Friend,
I have finally found a list of more than 90 speech therapy tests with descriptions. Anytime you click on the name of a test you will be automatically directed to a description. You can have a look below or go directly to Let me know if you found it useful in your practice by leaving your opinion in a "Post a Comment" section at the end of the page.
Enjoy the list as much as I do.
Enjoy the list as much as I do.
Thank you!
Clinical Assessment of Articulationand Phonology (CAAP)
Contextual Probes ofArticulation Competence (CPAC)
Fisher-Logemann Test ofArticulation Competence
Goldman Fristoe Test ofArticulation-2 (GFTA-2)
McDonald-Deep Test of Articulation
Photo Articulation Test-ThirdEdition (PAT-3)
Weiss ComprehensiveArticulation Test (WCAT)
Contextual Probes ofArticulation Competence (CPAC)
Fisher-Logemann Test ofArticulation Competence
Goldman Fristoe Test ofArticulation-2 (GFTA-2)
McDonald-Deep Test of Articulation
Photo Articulation Test-ThirdEdition (PAT-3)
Weiss ComprehensiveArticulation Test (WCAT)
Autism Spectrum Tests
Autism BehaviorChecklist (ABC)
Childhood Autism RatingScale (CARS)
Evaluating AcquiredSkills in Communication (EASIC)
Gilliam Autism RatingScale (GARS)
Autism BehaviorChecklist (ABC)
Childhood Autism RatingScale (CARS)
Evaluating AcquiredSkills in Communication (EASIC)
Gilliam Autism RatingScale (GARS)
An Examination of the Oral Speech Mechanism was performed to determine if oral structure and function are adequate for speech production. …errors/concerns were noticed during the exam. The child was … to perform all tasks required and diadokokinetic rate was .... Oral motor structure and functions were judged to be… for speech production.
Fluency Tests
Stuttering PredictionInstrument
Stuttering SeverityInstrument-third edition (SSI-3)
Stuttering SeverityScale
Test of ChildhoodStuttering (TOCS)
Stuttering PredictionInstrument
Stuttering SeverityInstrument-third edition (SSI-3)
Stuttering SeverityScale
Test of ChildhoodStuttering (TOCS)
Language Tests - Comprehensive
Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-4 (CELF-4)
ComprehensiveAssessment of Spoken Language (CASL)
Fullerton Language Testfor Adolescents-second edition
Functional Communication Profile
Oral-Written Language Scale (OWLS)
Oral-Written Language Scale-2(OWLS-2)
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language-third edition (TOAL-3)
Test of Language Development-Primary: third edition (TOLD-P:3)
Test of Language Development-Intermediate: third edition (TOLD-I:3)
Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-4 (CELF-4)
ComprehensiveAssessment of Spoken Language (CASL)
Fullerton Language Testfor Adolescents-second edition
Functional Communication Profile
Oral-Written Language Scale (OWLS)
Oral-Written Language Scale-2(OWLS-2)
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language-third edition (TOAL-3)
Test of Language Development-Primary: third edition (TOLD-P:3)
Test of Language Development-Intermediate: third edition (TOLD-I:3)
Language Tests - Expressive
The Expressive Language Test (ELT)
The HELP Test- Elementary
Patterned Elicitation Syntax Test (PEST)
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test-third edition (SPELT-3)
Test for Examining Expressive Morphology (TEEM)
The WORD Test - Elementary
The WORD Test - Adolescent
The Expressive Language Test (ELT)
The HELP Test- Elementary
Patterned Elicitation Syntax Test (PEST)
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test-third edition (SPELT-3)
Test for Examining Expressive Morphology (TEEM)
The WORD Test - Elementary
The WORD Test - Adolescent
Language Processing Test - Revised (LPT-R)
The Listening Test
Rhode Island Test ofLanguage Structure (RITLS)
Test of Auditory Comprehensionof Language-third edition (TACL-3)
Token Test for Children
The Listening Test
Rhode Island Test ofLanguage Structure (RITLS)
Test of Auditory Comprehensionof Language-third edition (TACL-3)
Token Test for Children
Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-Preschool (CELF-pre)
Receptive-ExpressiveEmergent Language Test-third edition (REEL-3)
Rossetti Infant-ToddlerLanguage Scale
Preschool LanguageAssessment Instrument (PLAI)
Preschool LanguageScale-4 (PLS-4)
Structured PhotographicExpressive Language Test-Preschool (SPELT-P)
Test of Early LanguageDevelopment-Second Edition (TELD-2)
Receptive-ExpressiveEmergent Language Test-third edition (REEL-3)
Rossetti Infant-ToddlerLanguage Scale
Preschool LanguageAssessment Instrument (PLAI)
Preschool LanguageScale-4 (PLS-4)
Structured PhotographicExpressive Language Test-Preschool (SPELT-P)
Test of Early LanguageDevelopment-Second Edition (TELD-2)
Boehm Test of BasicConcepts-Revised (BTBC-R)
Bracken Basic ConceptsScale-Revised (BBCS-R)
Elementary Test of ProblemSolving -Revised (TOPS-Elementary-R)
Language Sample
Nonspeech Test forReceptive and Expressive Language
Test of ProblemSolving-Adolescent (TOPS-Adolescent)
Test of PragmaticLanguage (TOPL)
Bracken Basic ConceptsScale-Revised (BBCS-R)
Elementary Test of ProblemSolving -Revised (TOPS-Elementary-R)
Language Sample
Nonspeech Test forReceptive and Expressive Language
Test of ProblemSolving-Adolescent (TOPS-Adolescent)
Test of PragmaticLanguage (TOPL)
Assessing SemanticSkills through Everyday Themes (ASSET)
Carolina PictureVocabulary Test for Deaf and Hearing Impaired (CPVT)
Comprehensive Receptiveand Expressive Vocabulary Test-second edition (CREVT-2)
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT)
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension (EOWPVT-UE)
Expressive VocabularyTest (EVT)
Peabody Picture VocabularyTest-III (PPVT-III)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT)
Carolina PictureVocabulary Test for Deaf and Hearing Impaired (CPVT)
Comprehensive Receptiveand Expressive Vocabulary Test-second edition (CREVT-2)
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT)
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension (EOWPVT-UE)
Expressive VocabularyTest (EVT)
Peabody Picture VocabularyTest-III (PPVT-III)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT)
Assessment Link betweenPhonology and Articulation (ALPHA)
Assessment of PhonologicalProcesses-Revised (APP-R)
Comprehensive Test ofPhonological Processing (CTOPP)
The Hodson Assessmentof Phonological Patterns-third edition (HAPP-3)
Khan-Lewis PhonologicalAnalysis-2 (KLPA-2)
Assessment of PhonologicalProcesses-Revised (APP-R)
Comprehensive Test ofPhonological Processing (CTOPP)
The Hodson Assessmentof Phonological Patterns-third edition (HAPP-3)
Khan-Lewis PhonologicalAnalysis-2 (KLPA-2)
Assessment of PhonologicalProcesses, Spanish (APP -Sp)
Austin Spanish ArticulationTest (Austin)
Bilingual SyntaxMeasure, I or II (BSM, I or II)
Bilingual VocabularyAssessment Measure (BVAM)
Boehm Test of BasicConcepts-Revised, Spanish (BTBC-R-SP)
Bracken Basic ConceptsScale-Revised-Spanish (BBCS-R-Sp)
Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-3, Spanish (CELF-3-SP)
Del Rio LanguageScreening Test (DRLST)
Dos Amigos VerbalLanguage Scales
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension-Revised, Spanish
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Spanish
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension,
2000-Spanish ExpressiveOne-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-2000, Spanish
Language AssessmentScale (LAS)
Medida Española deArticulación (MEDA)
Multicultural VocabularyTest (MVT)
Preschool LanguageAssessment Instrument-Spanish (PLAI-Sp) (Prueba Para ElDiagnostico del Lenguaje Pre-Escolar)
Preschool LanguageScale-3, Spanish (PLS-3, Sp)
Pruebas deExpresión Oral y Percepción de La Lenguaje Española (PEOPLE):
Prueba del DesarrolloInicial del Lenguaje (PDIL)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test, Revised--Spanish (ROWPVT-R-Sp)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test –Upper Extension, Revised-Spanish (ROWPVT-UE-Sp)
Screening Test ofSpanish Grammar (STSG)
Spanish ArticulationMeasure (SAM)
Spanish ExpressiveVocabulary Test (SEVT)
Spanish LanguageAssessment Procedures: A Communication Skills Inventory (SLAP)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-Preschool (SPELT-P-Sp)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-II (SPELT-II-Sp)
Spanish Test forAssessing Morphologic Production (STAMP)
Test de Vocabulario deImágenes, Peabody (TVIP)
Toronto Test ofReceptive Vocabulary (TTRV)
Austin Spanish ArticulationTest (Austin)
Bilingual SyntaxMeasure, I or II (BSM, I or II)
Bilingual VocabularyAssessment Measure (BVAM)
Boehm Test of BasicConcepts-Revised, Spanish (BTBC-R-SP)
Bracken Basic ConceptsScale-Revised-Spanish (BBCS-R-Sp)
Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-3, Spanish (CELF-3-SP)
Del Rio LanguageScreening Test (DRLST)
Dos Amigos VerbalLanguage Scales
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension-Revised, Spanish
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Spanish
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension,
2000-Spanish ExpressiveOne-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-2000, Spanish
Language AssessmentScale (LAS)
Medida Española deArticulación (MEDA)
Multicultural VocabularyTest (MVT)
Preschool LanguageAssessment Instrument-Spanish (PLAI-Sp) (Prueba Para ElDiagnostico del Lenguaje Pre-Escolar)
Preschool LanguageScale-3, Spanish (PLS-3, Sp)
Pruebas deExpresión Oral y Percepción de La Lenguaje Española (PEOPLE):
Prueba del DesarrolloInicial del Lenguaje (PDIL)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test, Revised--Spanish (ROWPVT-R-Sp)
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test –Upper Extension, Revised-Spanish (ROWPVT-UE-Sp)
Screening Test ofSpanish Grammar (STSG)
Spanish ArticulationMeasure (SAM)
Spanish ExpressiveVocabulary Test (SEVT)
Spanish LanguageAssessment Procedures: A Communication Skills Inventory (SLAP)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-Preschool (SPELT-P-Sp)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-II (SPELT-II-Sp)
Spanish Test forAssessing Morphologic Production (STAMP)
Test de Vocabulario deImágenes, Peabody (TVIP)
Toronto Test ofReceptive Vocabulary (TTRV)
Click here for a list of ENGLISH tests that may be used with SPANISH-SPEAKING children
Monday, June 18, 2012
Memo From Your Child
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I would like to share with you a memo by Thomas C. Rjatt, Jr., which I absolutely adore and as a parent need to stick to. Your reflection matters to me, so place it in a "Post a Comment" section. Thank you.
Memo From Your Child
1. Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all that I ask for. I'm testing you.
2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it; it makes me feel more secure.
3. Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.
4. Don't make me feel smaller than I really am. It only makes me behave stupidly "big".
5. Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I'll take much more notice if you talk to me privately.
6. Don't make me feel my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.
7. Don't protect me from consequences. I sometimes have to learn the painful way.
8. Don't be too upset when I say, "I hate you." It isn't you I hate, but your power to thwart me.
9. Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.
10. Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
11. Don't forget that I can not explain myself as well as I should like; this is why I'm not always accurate.
12. Don't make rash promises. Remember that I feel badly let down when promises are broken.
13. Don't tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies.
14. Don't be inconsistent. That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you.
15. Don't tell me my fears are silly. They are terribly real to me and you can do much to reassure me if you try to understand.
16. Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and get my information elsewhere.
17. Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too great a shock when I discover that you are neither.
18. Don't ever think it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm toward you.
19. Don't forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be difficult to keep pace with me, but please, do try.
20. Don't forget that I love experimenting. I couldn't get along without it so please put up with it.
21. Don't forget that I can't thrive without lots of understanding love, but I don't need to tell you that do I?
by Thomas C. Ritt, Jr., Arizona ACLD Newsletter December, 1975
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sensory and Feeding Products
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I use in therapeutic treatment and feeding
Get familiar and decide yourself what is the best for your child/patient.
Let me know if you found the list useful by sharing your opinion in a "Post a Comment" section at the end of the page. Thank you - Urszula
Sensory Treatment:
Infant ToothbrushARK GrabbersARK Animal Menagerie ARK Tri ChewARK Z-Vib Set
Get familiar and decide yourself what is the best for your child/patient.
Let me know if you found the list useful by sharing your opinion in a "Post a Comment" section at the end of the page. Thank you - Urszula
Sensory Treatment:
Infant Toothbrush
Toddler Toothbrush
Nuk Toothbrush
Nuk Massager
Vibrator and Toothattes
Jiggle Vibrators
Chewy Tubes
Flavored Wooden Tongue Depressors
Tick-Tong Flavored Plastic Tongue Depressor
Roller Ice
First Year Massaging Action Teether
Stores/webs where I buy /order them
- Talk Tools
Look under Feeding Tools
Look under Sensory Tools
- Equipment Shop
Look under Feeding & Oral
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